Remington Society of America:
You can find Remington Date of Manufacture codes at in Remington Forum
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
Check the date code on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
Check Remington Society of America here:
The barrel date code is the primary method of dating a Remington. Of course, if the barrel is not the original barrel for the gun that complicates things. The Remington factory could probably date it by serial number.
Date code stamp on barrel if 1921 or later, before that serial no. See related links for date code info.
Some have serial numbers that can be found in published lists and some have a date code, but it is not easy to decipher them. However, you can contact Remington at the related link on the right side of this page. Go to The Remington Society of America. They have a link for Manufacture Dates .
You might try the date system on Remington's web site here... ....and possibly find your answer.
Starting in 1921, Remington rifles are dated by a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the left side of the barrel, about a half inch from the receiver. Not by the serial number. Search for Remington Collector's Association Date Codes, and you will find the table to decipher the letters for month and year of manufacture. They are small- a magnifier and bright light will help
You can contact Remington directly,and use the customer service site to E-mail your shotguns serial number and letter code found on the barrel.They will contact you with the year of production.
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.