Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
Go to: look up the serial block number on the firearm compared to what the dates are on the link. Its not exact but it gives you a approximate time
Check the date code stamp on barrel (see related link) by serial only a call to Remington can give you that answer.
See information in related links on the Remington Society of America, date code table information.
It's date code stamped on barrel see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
Check the date code on the barrel, see related links for the information on the Remington Society of America.
Check the date code stamp on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
See related links for information on the Remington Society of America for understanding the date code stamps on the barrel.
You can tell the age from the date stamp on the barrel. Check the manufactured date page on the Remington Society of America to look up the details.
You can look on remington's website, but judging by the serial number it should have been made in 1980.
Impossible to answer without the sn.
50-400 usd