See information in related links on the Remington Society of America, date code table information.
its worth about $180 its worth about $180
Check the date code on the barrel, see related links for the information on the Remington Society of America.
See related links for information on the Remington Society of America for understanding the date code stamps on the barrel.
Check the date code stamp on barrel (see related link) by serial only a call to Remington can give you that answer.
Here this listing of serial #'s fir the Remington Woodsmaster 742Serial Number Blocks:1951-1967 1,000-541,0001968-1975 6,900,000-7,499,9991975-1978 A6,900,000-A7,499,9991978-1981 B6,900,000-B7,499,999Just Find where you number falls in line with.Hope this helps
Check barrel code on Remington Society of America:
$300 without a scope in 95% condition!!
Many Remington rifles manufactured prior to 1968 did not have serial numbers. You can find a date code on the left side of the barrel near the breech. The Remington Society website contains a page that contains a listing of the date codes and their corresponding months and years.
You can call Remington at 1-800-243-9700 and go thru the menu selection. One of the menu options is to request information on your Remington based off the serial number. You read off your serial number and the guy looks up in the database the year the gun was made and what the original barrel was for that gun (if gun had barrel options like shotguns do).
They only made ~250K of them from 1955-1959 obviously that's near the end by serial I can't tell you but the barrel with be marked with the date code for month and year. See related links for details.
the serial number is not a remington rand serial number. it is a colt commercial 1911. you have a rem-rand slide on a colt frame. sorry.
Your remington model 700 which has a letter A prefix to the serial number,indicates that it was made in 1980.