you can tell if your boyfriend is cheating if he is not spending time with you. i don't mean when he is not working. if all falls just ask are you cheating, of course you know that he may not tell the truth. there are many sign to a cheating man. some woman don't like to face the facts that he is cheating in your face. if you believe in your heart that something is going on there is. make surprise visit on lunch or at his home.
Be very sure you have some good reasons to think your boyfriend is cheating. If you feel he is (called 'gut feelings') then go with a girlfriend and follow him on the weekend. You can also ask around. Try asking his friends, your friends or anyone else he knows. If you think he'll admit to cheating most generally don't. Catch him in the act.
i will tell him to not do it again because that is bad. i will give him another chance.
Your fuccing cheating do you know that
WikiAnswers neither condones nor promotes cheating.
Chuck him and find a new boyfriend.
you catch him out.
If you can forgive your sister, you can forgive your boyfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stay with your boyfriend. Cheating is cheating and if that is not acceptable to you, you should find someone who will respect that wish.
by asking your best friend to spy on him
No it is not cheating on your bf. As long as nothing physical happens your not cheating.Talk with your boyfriend about how much you're allowed to do with other guys without cheating him. Everyone has different ideas of what cheating is and what matters is that you two find a common ground and agree not to break that.
Find a new boyfriend. If he did it once and you forgive him. He'll do it again and expect the same.
there probably cheating on you
If you have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, then you are cheating on both of them.
Then do nothing and be glad he is no longer your boyfriend.
Answer If you know for sure that your new bf is cheating then perhaps it's time to drop him and find another boyfriend, who needs the hassel of a guy who lies from the seat of his pants.
You could follow him without his knowing about it. Good Luck!
probably because he is cheating