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If you can forgive your sister, you can forgive your boyfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stay with your boyfriend. Cheating is cheating and if that is not acceptable to you, you should find someone who will respect that wish.

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Q: Should you forgive your boyfriend for cheating on you with your sister?
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It means he's cheating on her.

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he is cheating on you with his sister... sorry.

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You most definitely should tell your sister. Flirting with another person not in the relationship is cheating. He is stepping outside their relationship and that isn't fair to her.

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you tell your sister that he was your boyfriend and to leave him alone and if she doesent if your sis is still at school tell your mum she is cheating on her homework or do something toy get her in trouble and she will stay away from him

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If a boyfriend is cheating with a younger sister and you and your sister live in the same house then 'the eyes have it!' This means they would be sneaking looks at each other or trying to accidentally be close to each other. If he seems to be in the same room as your sister all the time; may be in your home with your sister when you are not there. As far as your boyfriend cheating on you with someone else you would have to get proof of that and sometimes the proof comes from close friends of the two of you.

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Tell the sister that her boyfriend is disrespecting you. She should settle it. Tell the boyfriend that you do not appreciate him disrespecting you. Other than that, there is really nothing you can do.

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Because, in girl logic, another girl (who is not the boyfriend's sister, mother, or other female relative) answering their boyfriend's phone typically means that he is cheating with this other girl, or he's actually been cheating on this other girl with her.

What should the girl do once they find out that their boyfriend sometime like her sister?

If you know you boyfriend has feelings for your sister you should leave him! How could you live with the fact that the man you love is thinking about your sister in a way he never should. I hope you have a nice family who can support you and agree that nothing should ever happen with your boyfriend and sister, if it does...i'm sorry.

When your sister cross the line in your boyfriend?

I Think Think you should keep her away from your Boyfriend than because i had a sister like that before

What if your sisters husband is cheating with you?

* You have made the fatal error of stating that your sister's husband is cheating with you. You are both cheating and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing this to your own sister. All you had to do was open your mouth and say 'no!' There is nothing worse you can do to your sister than have an affair with her husband. Stop now! If not, you will break your sister's heart and she will never trust you again. Trust is earned! Sisters should be forever and no man should ever come between that sibling relationship.

Does a sister have to forgive the younger sister more?

Yes. As a younger brother I learned more from my older brother then by him ignoring me. If you really love your sister you should atleast try to talk to her.