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Tell the truth. They will understand. Using metaphores or analogies may only confuse so stay with the basic biological facts and keep it simple.

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Q: How do you explain menstrual cycle to an 8year old?
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Related questions

When does the menstrual cycle start?

A girl can start her menstrual cycle from when she is about 9 years old any where through to when she is 16 years old.

Is a 60 day menstrual cycle normal for a 30 year old?

A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days long, give or take a few days on either side. Therefore, a 60 day menstrual cycle is not considered to be normal for a 30 year old.

How do you explain menstrual period to an 8 year old?

Very Carefully.

Who is kymbria Williams?

A 8year old girl. P.S.(2010)

What age does an Asian woman stop menstrual cycle?

10 to 16 years old

Does stress delay your menstrual cycle?

yes, if you are 35 - 40 years old, otherwise no.

Menstrual cycle at 8 years old?

8 is the earliest age you can get your menstrual cycle (aside from the extremely rare occasion of it developing at a younger age, but the story I read could have been myth!). I got my period at 8 years old.

Is it normal for your menstrual cycle to be brown?

The term menstrual cycle refers to your entire reproductive cycle, I think you mean menstruation or your period. Menstrual flow can be brown when it is light as it takes time for the blood to leave the body and it goes brown as it gets old, it also mixes with discharge which changes the colour too.

How many hours of sleep should a 8year old get?

10 hrs of sleep!

Can a female have a menstrual cycle at age 9?

Yes, a female can have a menstrual cycle at 9 years old. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old, but it is possible for females to enter puberty and start ovulating (thus menstruating) from only 9 years old.

Can a 14 year old have kids?

yes if they have started ther period or started their menstrual cycle

How do you take care of menstrual cycle?

Buy pads or tampons, become old, or just ignore it.