

Best Answer

1. Remove Magazine - Draw Bolt back - Push in bolt handle to lock open - Set Safety on.

2. Use 1/8 in. Allen to remove front action screw.

3. Use 1/8 in Allen to remove screw rear of trigger gaurd. Remove action from stock.

4. Pull bolt handle out and ease bolt forward. Move Safety Off. Insert Magazine and pull trigger to drop striker forward. Remove Magazine. Push barrel and receiver to REAR. Tip trigger group assembly DOWN AT FRONT. Ease assy off toward rear. Control recoil spring and striker spring!

5. Remove RED striker spring and WHITE guide towards RIGHT.

6. Remove recoil spring and BLACK guide towards LEFT.

7. Move bolt to rear and take out striker assy. Striker/Firing pin assy retained in RED polymer headpiece by roll pin. Except for repair, do not disassemble.

8. Remove Bolt Handle (allign with exit space in track) and pull handle out to right.

9.Remove bolt to rear. Striker rebound and spring retained by roll pin. STRONG SPRING. Except for repair, do not disassemble.

10.Remove extractor by depressing plunger. It lifts out. CONTROL plunger and spring (or you will be on hands and knees looking for them).

11. Do not remove twin SEARS except for repair. If removed, note positions for reassembly.

12. Sear pin is heat-sealed on left side of receiver (melted in). Must be heated with soldering iron to remove. Just don't unless repair is necessary!

13. Bolt hold open and spring can be removed by pushing out pin toward left (just enough to clear parts).

14. IF removal of safety is necessary, push pin out from inside trigger housing. CAUTION: detent spring and plunger will FLY UPWARDS if not contolled (again on your hands and knees. Do you feel really lucky?) After spring/plunger removed, safety can be pushed out.

14. Remove trigger by pushing out pin. This will also release trigger spring. Honestly, don't remove unless necessary. Trigger must be turned to remove.

15. Sear springs are melted into trigger housing. Don't remove.

16. Ejector and Mag catch are held in with small screw. Again parts are melted into trigger housing and NOT ROUTINELY REMOVED.


Reverse of above.

Tip 1. RED colored striker spring goes on RIGHT. BLACK colored recoil SPRING GUIDE goes on LEFT.

Tip 2. With springs (properly) engaged, move lower trigger assy forward and upward until latch at (lower) front engages. Note: assy guide on left side of receiver will help in proper position.

Tip 3. Before putting action back into stock, lock BOLT OPEN and SAFETY in ON position.

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14y ago
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Larry Crum

Lvl 1
2y ago
Very precise yet simple understandable for a none gunsmith like me. Well Done.

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Q: How do you disassemble a Remington Model 522 Viper?
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