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Q: Where can you find a clipmagazine for a Remington viper 522?
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Will a Remington 597 magazine fit in a 522 viper?


Is the Remington 522 viper still made?

no, stopped in 1998

Will a Remington 522 viper shoot without a magazine inserted?


What is the value of Remington 522?

Your Remington model 522 viper will bring between 50-120 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.

What is the value of a Remington 522?

Your Remington model 522 viper will bring between 50-120 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.

Locate magazine 522 viper?

Remington, Brownell's, Mid Way USA,, gun shops, gun shows, want ads.

How can you improve accuracy of a Remington 522 viper 22lr rifle?

Fire all the different types of 22LR you can afford. One or more brands will do better in your rifle.

How do you disassemble a Remington 522?

522 not loading correctly

22 cal Remington 522 viper semi auto rifle with a 10 shot mag can you tell me where i can get one that holds more shells?

I don't believe there was enough interest in 522s for any aftermarket companies to make any accessories for them. 'Fraid your probably stuck with factory 10 rounders while you can still get them. Model 522 Viper Description: Autoloading Rifle Introduction Year: 1993 Year Discontinued: 1998

What id the difference between 522 and 552 Remington?

The 552 is still made.

Where is the serial number on Remington 522?

Stamped on barrel, Barrel and reciever one piece.

Where is the manufacturers serial number located on the 22 Cal Model 522 Viper Rifle?

Check the receiver and barrel