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The field-op cannot be completed this week. They're doing it to promote the Operation Blackout, so just wait a few more days!

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Q: How do you complete the missing Gary field op?
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How do you complete the Field op assigned by Gary in club penguin?

to do a field op you press accept then you think about were it would be! to get answers to your questons email me at : d.mcconnell@rocket

How do you do field op?

You talk to Gary and read his instructions.

How do you complete fieldop 44 on clubpenguin?

Field Op 44 cannot be completed it is a field op of the past

Where is Gary's lab on club penguin 2012?

There is no such room as Gary's lab on club penguin. Are you relating to field op no. 107? Well then right now the field op cannot be accepted so there is no point in trying to solve it. The field op mission will probably be running when Operation Blackout starts.

How do you beat the first field-op in club penguin?

Go to the town and click on the S in the word disco. Then complete the field op.

How do you beat the fifth field op?

In the 5th field-op, you are suppose to find a dangerous microphone that will explode and ruin Music Jam. You can ONLY complete this field-op on Music Jam day. The microphone is at the forest.

How do you complete club penguin field op 4?

See the related link below. However, since other field-ops have been completed, you can't do field op #4 anymore.

What is a field op in Club Penguin?

a little mission which if you complete you get a EPF medal

How do you accept the field op where g is missing?

Unfortunately till now, there is no way you can accept field op no. 107. Either its a bug, or it is purposely planned by club penguin and the accept sign will only come after operation blackout is released.

Club Penguin Field Ops?

Field Ops are like missions on Club penguin. You know there is a new field op when your new phone blinks red instead of having still green (the phone is at the bottom left of the page, above the map icon). Press the phone, and transport to the Elite Penguin Force place imediately. Then there is a screen that says "Field Ops" big in orange (I think orange...) right by the door. Go to the screen and click on it. Gary will give you the field op. He will give you a clue where to find "the thing", whatever it is (it is different for every field op). Then you search through all of Club Penguin for it. When you find it, go to it, and click it. There will be a game you have to beat in order to succesfully complete the field op. When you finish, you will get a badge (or something) and you can spend it by using it to buy Elite Gear. There is one field op per week. I hope I have been some help! =)

Where is the box at on the Field op?

The Box Dimension, now at Beach at Puffle Party 2011. Hover over to the left and complete field ops.

Where is Garys lab on club penguin?

I think only in partys like the hallowen party but some websites have the Gary tracker witch might be helpful +anyone want a free runescape acount? look for me on server 53 my name is Nynets56789 and use the home teloprter to find me