Make all the combinations possible by mixing dffrent elements.
air + fire = energy
air + earth = dust
dust + fire = ash
earth + fire = lava
water + earth = swamp
water + fire = alcohol
water + lava = steam, stone
air + stone = sand
water + stone = sand
stone + fire = metal
tree + fire = coal
fire + dust = ash
air + lava = stone
swamp + sand = clay
clay + fire = bricks
air + energy = storm
fire + sand = glass
stone + stone = stone,stone,fire
fire + alcohol = energy
metal + energy = electricity
stone + shell = lime-stone
tree + fire = coal
water + coal = oil
oil + fire = energy
// life
swamp + energy = life
swamp + life = bacteria
water + life = weeds
// -- fauna
bacteria + water = plankton
bacteria + plankton = fish
bacteria + swamp = worm, sulfur
stone + plankton = shell
plankton + fish = whale
earth + plankton = worm
air + worm = butterfly
earth + worm = beetle
beetle + sand = scorpion
swamp + worm = snake
sand + worm = snake
life + stone = egg
snake + snake = egg,snake,snake
bird + bird = egg,bird,bird
lizard + lizard = egg,lizard,lizard
dinosaur + dinosaur = egg,dinosaur,dinosaur
turtle + turtle = egg,turtle,turtle
air + egg = bird
swamp + egg = lizard
sand + egg = turtle
earth + egg = dinosaur
air + dinosaur = dragon
snake + worm = lizard
water + snake = fish
air + lizard = bird
earth + lizard = beast
life + beast = human
clay + life = golem
golem + life = human
beast + water = whale
beast + fish = dolphin
// -- flora
swamp + weeds = moss
weeds + earth = mushroom
swamp + moss = fern
earth + moss = grass
earth + seeds = tree
life + sand = seeds
grass + grass = seeds
tree + tree = seeds
field + seeds = wheat
field + grass = wheat
swamp + grass = reed
fire + grass = tobacco
// -- mystic
life + ash = ghost
life + corpse = zombie
zombie + corpse = ghoul
blood + human = vampire
vampire + human = vampire,vampire
vampire + beast = vampire,werewolf
tree + life = treant
dinosaur + fire = dragon
storm + bird = thunderbird
fire + bird = phoenix
// Civilization
metal + human = tools,human
tree + tools = wood,tools
earth + tools = field
tools + wool = fabric,tools
fabric + human = clothes
tools + reed = paper
paper + feather = book
clay + human = ceramics
human + human = sex
// -- housing
stone + human = hut
clay + lime-stone = cement
water + cement = concrete
concrete + bricks = house
house + glass = skyscraper
// -- transport
wood + tools = wheel
metal + steam = boiler
boiler + coal = steam-engine
water + wood = boat
wood + boat = ship
ship + fabric = fregate
ship + steam-engine = steam ship
wood + wheel = cart
beast + cart = chariot
steam-engine + cart = locomotive
oil + cart = car
car + air = airplane
// weaponry
tools + metal = weapon,tools
weapon + human = hunter
tools + scorpion = poison
snake + tools = poison
mushroom + tools = poison
human + poison = corpse
weapon + poison = poisoned weapon
poisoned weapon + human = assasin
weapon + hunter = warrior
assasin + warrior = corpse,blood,assasin
lime-stone + fertilizer = saltpetre
saltpetre + sulfur = gunpowder
weapon + gunpowder = firearm
// -- foods
stone + wheat = flour
water + flour = dough
fire + dough = bread
alcohol + bread = beer
paper + tobacco = cigarette
wheat + alcohol = beer
water + alcohol = vodka
alcohol + human = alcoholic
beer + human = alcoholic
vodka + human = alcoholic
// -- hunting
beast + human = human,domastic animal
domastic animal + grass = domastic animal,fertilizer,milk
domastic animal + human = human,meat,wool,milk
beast + hunter = hunter,meat,wool,blood
hunter + bird = hunter,meat,feather,blood
dinosaur + hunter = dinosaur,blood
dinosaur + human = dinosaur,blood
warrior + beast = warrior,blood
warrior + dinosaur = warrior,blood
warrior + human = corpse,warrior,blood
warrior + dragon = hero,blood
dragon + human = dragon,ash
dragon + hunter = dragon,ash
// burning
book + fire = ash
paper + fire = ash
moss + fire = ash
fire + human = corpse
fire + corpse = ash
tree + fire = ash,ash,coal
wood + fire = ash,coal
snake + fire = ash
fire + worm = ash
fire + lizard = ash
fire + tobacco = ash
fire + treant = ash,ghost
Every 100 kills that you get you unlock a new doodle
Openappmkt for iPod touch
To add apps to the iPod Touch, you can either download them from the App Store via Wi-Fi on your iPod Touch, or you can sync your iPod Touch with iTunes through your computer.
No, you cannot. iPod touch apps will only work with an iPod Touch or iPhone - no other touch screen mp3 player.
There is an App Store app on the iPod Touch that is used to download apps.
It's not.
doodle jump
war+nuclear bomb
Yes if you get certain apps, you can draw on the iPod touch. Ex... Doodle buddy or glow draw
Doodle jump
Doodle Buddy LabelBox (etc..)
you click the sync button...
Simply combine different elements until you get bored of it. The creator will probably keep making updates until it loses it's popularity
The game 'Doodle Jump' is only available for the iPod Touch and iPhone, and is not compatible with the iPod Nano. You can play it online, with the 'multiplayer' option in the main menu of the full game that you have to buy. The free/lite version does not have online.
Doodle Jump is not available for online play. It can only be played on an iPod Touch/iPhone when you buy the app.
I recommend Doodle Jump, And it only costs 99 cents
There are but not exact replica's. Doodle Jump is the same but instead if the little doodle jumper who jumps on floating platforms , you get an angel who jumps on clouds.