go to edit profile on plazma burst.com (after you have made an account) then type in the new name in login then press update profile
Play plazma burst 2 on the official website....
go to the plazma burst 2 official website and click on custom maps in the tool bat
Actually you cant download PB2 you actually play it on a website. Type in Plazma Burst 2 and the webiste will pop up.
i dont no
it came out last year
You Can Not Change Your login...but you CAN change your nickname to whatever name you want
Yes, but for now plazma burst 3 is plazma burst 2:VOID
plazma burst 3 level 43
plazma burst 2 has got its own website:plazmaburst2.com
Play plazma burst 2 on the official website....
change your thing to low phisticse
no as it is virus protected especially in the online official website of plazma burst 2
Go to Plazma burst and go to Custom Maps
BY going to edit Ur profile
I am not sure but I think it involves going to a website that hacked plazma burst 2
go to the plazma burst 2 official website and click on custom maps in the tool bat
Actually you cant download PB2 you actually play it on a website. Type in Plazma Burst 2 and the webiste will pop up.