Put a pinch of natural sea salt into a shot glass full of warm water. Soak your piercings in that for about 5mins 2-3 times a day. Then just rinse them off with warm water. Afterwards, you can use q-tips to remove crusties and then dry them with paper towels. Towels/cloths can snag on the jewelery. You wanna remake the solution for each nipple. If you're a chick, you'll have to wear a heavily padded bra or just not wear one around the house for a while. They'll be really tender so be careful!!
That you decided to get a nipple piercing.
There is none. The rejection rate really depends on the piercer. The farther back into the breast (pretty much where the nipple and areola meet), the better. After the piercing is complete, it is up to the customer (you) to take care of it.
As long as you are taking care of it nothing would happen and it should be fine.
Piercing the nipple will enlarge it !!!! when you take yhe piercing out after a few months, the nipple will stay larger!!!
It varies from person to person, depending on the size of your nipple.
The jewellery needs to be 2 mm longer than the width of the piercing.
Many are motivated to get a nipple piercing for personal reasons including for self-expression and to feel unique.
Nipple piercing is not only for the look of the piercing but also for personal stimulation, once healed nipple piercings can be quite erotic and will add sensation when the right jewellery is in the piercings.
To make a simple fake nipple piercing, you need to obtain a nipple ring and bend the ring with pliers so that the ring looks like a U shape which you can then apply to your nipple and adjust to your own needs.