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Nipple piercing is not only for the look of the piercing but also for personal stimulation, once healed nipple piercings can be quite erotic and will add sensation when the right jewellery is in the piercings.

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Q: Why do women pierce their nipple?
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Related questions

What area of the nipple do you pierce?

That can vary from male to female.

How would you know if your nipple was pierced in the wrong spot?

A properly placed nipple piercing goes halfway down the nipple. You DO NOT pierce the areola, nor do you pierce close to the tip. Of course, this rationale is for normally sized nipples, because unfortunately some piercers pierce nipples that were never meant to be pierced. Go to a professional and have them evaluate it for you.

Do nipple stimulators arouse women?

yes many women find nipple stimulation arousing sexually.

Can pierce nipples twice in the same direction?

If the nipple is large enough, then it is possible to pierce one nipple twice in the same direction. I would suggest you talk to your local professional body piercer, they can have a look and tell you if there is enough tissue to support a second piercing.

Is there a certain side of your nipple to pierce either left or right like with the ear if u only have your right one pierced your gay is the same thing 4 a nipple?


Is it ok to get pierced if you are a Hindu?

In Hindu tradition ear piercing is very common both for men and women. Also women pierce their nose. However, other piercing like - belly / navel / nipple / eyebrow / other such places are not encouraged and even prohibited in orthodox families.

Does nipple size vary with age?

yes in women

How old are Muslim women when they pierce their noses?

I don't think all Muslim women (if any) pierce their noses. Are you confusing it with Hinduism?

Should a teenager get a nipple piercing?

Until a woman is 18, it is illegal for a shop to do a nipple piercing on her. For men it's not illegal as far as I know, but most piercing studios will not pierce someone under 16, others may refuse to do nipple piercings on a male under 18.

Which part of the ear do people pierce to wear earrings?

Most women pierce the lobe of the ear, although others, pierce the cartilage.

Sucking women's nipple you get infection?

no you don't!!!! dont be a pilock!!!!

Is there a hole in the nipple?

Yes, of course they do. That is where the milk comes out when a women nurses a baby.