Date of clerking: 25/8/08
LMP: 3/4/08
POA: 4 months 22 days
4 months = + 1 week 2 days
Therefore, 4 months (16W)+ 1 week + 2days + 22 days (3W+ 1days)
= 20W+ 3days.
by using the formula we will calculat time period of simple harmonic motion
To calculate an estimated due date you should count from the very first day (the day you started bleeding) of your last menstrual period.
the number of complications in a certain period divided by the total number of patients for the same period
Attrition rate % = (No of people moved out of the organisation during the period / Total no of people in the organisation during the period) * 100
This is known as amenorrhea. The most common cause for amenorrhea is pregnancy.
Primary amenorrhea refers to not having a menstrual period at the age of puberty.
Amenorrhea is when the period is gone for other reasons than pregnancy and in this case too much exercise.
Amenorrhea is basically the absence of the menstrual period. You will not have a period at all and you might also have hair loss, headaches, vision changes, excess facial hair, and acne.
If you induce vaginal bleeding after having Depo-related amenorrhea, you bleed from your vagina. It does not "jump start" your normal period, it doesn't mean you ovulated, and it doesn't get Depo out of your system faster.
Secondary amenorrhea occurs in women of childbearing age after a period of normal menstruation and is diagnosed when menstruation has stopped for three months. It can occur in women of any age.
Prolonged amenorrhea can lead to infertility and other medical problems such as osteoporosis.If the halt in the normal period is caused by stress or illness, periods should begin again when the stress passes or the illness is treated.
Amenorrhea is the absence of periods (menstrual bleeding) for more than 6 months. Absence of periods during 2-6 months called oligomenorrhea. Amenorrhea could be primary or secondary. You can discover everything about amenorrhea causes in recommended related link below.
Unless you are pregant you need a medication for Amenorrhea which is when your period is not coming but not due to pregnancy. See your doctor. It's important to find out why it is late or not coming.
Primary amenorrhea typically occurs when a female has not started her first period by the age of 15-16, or by the age of 13-14 if other signs of puberty are absent. It can be caused by factors such as genetic conditions, hormonal imbalances, or structural abnormalities of the reproductive system.
Amenorrhea is the medical term for the absence or lack of menstrual flow. It can be classified as primary (never having had a period) or secondary (having previously experienced periods but they have stopped).