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using paper.

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Q: How do gay men clean their rectum?
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Related questions

What does the word fleet men to gay men?

Fleet is the brand name for a line of enema's, or what one uses to clean their rectum. Basically, if he's using fleet, he bottoms in heat.

Do gay men need a plug to prevent feces leaking from the rectum?

No. This is a myth.

What is gay doggy style?

It is when a man (gay or bisexual) sticks his penis in another man's rectum or anus. It can also be performed by straight men for money called gay-for-pay

Can two clean gay men catch anything?

yes, they can catch the gAIDS

How long does sperm live inside the rectum of gay men?

Sperm cannot survive for long outside of the body, and the rectum is not a suitable environment for sperm to live. Once ejaculated into the rectum, sperm will die quickly due to the acidic nature of the environment.

What can gay men do with household objects?

They can dust them, display them, paint them, clean them, and store them, among other things.

Can gay become to men?

Gay men are already men.

How do gay men become men?

Gay men are individuals who are attracted to other men romantically and/or sexually. Sexual orientation (being gay) does not influence someone's gender identity (being a man). Men, whether straight or gay, identify as male based on their self-perception and expression.

Is there any difference why women are gay and men being gay?

When women are gay, they are interested in other women. When men are gay, they are intersted in other men

What has happened to the violin over the years?

the violin is used to clean out your rectum

Why do men hate being called gay?

Only straight men hate being called gay. Most gay men prefer the term "gay."

Why do gay men chase women?

Gay men usually chase other men.