The serial number should be easy to find if it's not and it's a rimfire prior to 1968 it very well may not have one.
Pre-serial# Remington rifles had a date code (which will only tell you date of manufacture) It is two tiny letters on the rear left side of the barrel. (Mine happens to be k G which equals may, 1960) I found the Remington date code chart online, but I don't have it on this computer or I would send it to you. (Just Google Remington date code)
Hope that is what you were looking for.
The chart can be found on the Remington Society of America and only rifles made since 1921 have barrel codes.
The answer is yes. How do I know; I have a model 4 rolling block rifle. I am trying to find out the year of mfg. The serial# is 354682
the early 500 series Remington 22 cal rifles did not have a serial number. I believe serial numbers were required after 1968
Unsure of your description- am not aware that Remington ever made a woman's rifle. The model number is usually marked on the barrel. Serial numbers, IF ANY, are on the frame. Serial numbers were not required until the 1968 Gun Control Act- I have several Remington 22 rifles that have never HAD a serial number. Remington rifles, BTW, are dated not from the serial number, but a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the barrel. Left side, about a half inch from the receiver.
Post a serial or call Remington.
Since 1921 Remington has date stamped the barrel you can find the details/table on the Remington Society of America under the Manufactured Date link.
The Remington model 4 rolling block rifle was made between 1890-1933.If you have a model 4S military rifle,then these were made by Remington from 1913-1923.your rifle has either a 22.5in barrel,or a 24in barrel.These were chambered in .22,.25 Stevens,or 32 caliber.
My nylon 66 has no serial number, how do I find out what year it was made? <><><><><> Rifles and shotguns made prior to 1968 were not required by law to have a serial number. However, on the left side of the barrel, right at the receiver, you may find a 2 or 3 letter code. The Remington Collector Association website has a chart to decode the letters for the month and year that a rifle was made.
You cannot the serial number is required.
Well i can't specify age your rifle but here is a video of 109 year-old pump action 22 long rifle Remington Model 12a put this in your browser Hope you find i use full
Contacting Remington would be a long shot, and it probably wouldn't tell you much about the rifle's history, since it was a military weapon. What you have is probably a P14, manufactured under contract for the British during WWI.
Basically impossible to do with just the serial number.