After the Civil War by becoming educated and contributing members of society. Many helped to later fight for equality and created business's.
Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.
All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.
Lincoln went in it only to save the union
Union soldiers
Slaves fought on both the north and the south side
He was not against nor for slavery. he would free the slaves if it helped end the war or not free the slaves to help end the war.
Slaves fought for both sides, if they were free they would fight for the North to help free others. If they were slaves they would be forced to go to help the South win. The implementation of having slaves in the South become Confederate soldiers came very late in the war. It did not effect the outcome of the war at all.
free black slaves
Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.
Thier Master of Course But Many People wWanted slaves Free Though More People Wanted Them Not there Was Ther Civil War Then Ab Lincoln Signed a Law That All Slaves Were free ;] Good luck
after the civil war
to help free the slaves
All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.
The Emancipation Proclamation
No they were against it that is why they had the civil war.
When Lincoln announced the emancipation proclamation, some of the slaves were free which then aided the union army to end the war.