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Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.

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Q: Would slaves be set free if they fought in the Civil War?
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What was the two sides fighting for in the Civil War?

Union fought to free slaves, Confederate fought to stay slave states.

In the US Civil War what side did the slaves fight for?

Slaves fought for both sides, if they were free they would fight for the North to help free others. If they were slaves they would be forced to go to help the South win. The implementation of having slaves in the South become Confederate soldiers came very late in the war. It did not effect the outcome of the war at all.

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When did The Killing start?

it started after the civil war. when slaves were free, the kkks would capture the freed slaves at night. the kkks would hang the freed slaves on a tree. then when the slaves died the kkks would born there bodys.

When were slaves free at last?

after the civil war

What did the end of civil war mean to north and south and for slaves?

It meant that the slaves would be free and the southern people must have been broken-hearted knowing that all of their free labor would be lost.

Where the slaves better off free or owned?

Slaves were better off free (although if they were free, they would not be called slaves). However, even freed slaves had to deal with racist attitudes and laws (for example, African Americans could not vote until well after the Civil War).

How did slaves and many free people fight the system of slavery?

The slaves and free people fought the system of slavery in riots, protests, boycotts, and acts of violence. They also fought against the south and slave owners until slaves were freed.

What were the motives that led individual soldiers to fight in the US Civil War?

There were many reasons that led men to join the Northern and Southern armies during the US Civil War. Here is a list of reasons:* They fought to keep the United States in tact. They believed that two separate "Americas" would be weaker than a united US;* They fought for independence, believing that the South would be marginalized if it continued to remain part of the United States;* They fought either to continue slavery or help to abolish it;* Freed slaves fought as Union soldiers to help defeat the slave holding Confederacy;* Some fought because they were drafted into each army; and* Some fought to be loyal to their respective states, whether they owned slaves or not. This was a small segment of the Confederate army.

How many slaves were set free at the end of the civil war?

All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.

What effects did the civil war have on slaves being freed?

The Civil War was fought between the North (who wanted to abolish slavery) and the South (who wanted to keep slavery). President Lincoln's first goal was to preserve the Union, but eventually decided to work to free the slaves. He passed the Emancipation Proclamation which was supposed to free the slaves. However, the loopholes in the document actually freed no slaves. After the Civil War, the Reconstruction Era began. New laws were passed to give rights to slaves. The first one, the 13th amendment, officially freed the slaves from all types of servitude. There were about 4 million slaves freed in total.

Did confederate want to free slaves?

No they were against it that is why they had the civil war.