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Slaves fought on both the north and the south side

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Q: Which side the the slaves help fight in during the civil war?
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What resource did North have in Civil War that South didn't?

freed slaves willing to help fight the south

Did most southerners own slaves during the civil war?

Mainly for cotton farming from the help of the cotton gin.

In the US Civil War what side did the slaves fight for?

Slaves fought for both sides, if they were free they would fight for the North to help free others. If they were slaves they would be forced to go to help the South win. The implementation of having slaves in the South become Confederate soldiers came very late in the war. It did not effect the outcome of the war at all.

How did the free slaves help after the war?

After the Civil War by becoming educated and contributing members of society. Many helped to later fight for equality and created business's.

Who requested help finding runaway slaves?

Major General Benjamin Butler learnt that some of the slaves had run away so he requested for help in finding them. This was during the American Civil war in the early 1861.

Did education help former slaves during construction?

yes educion did help former slaves during reconstruction

What was Harriet Tubman accomplishment during the civil war?

to save slaves from being beaten and to help them get to the north for freedom using the underground railroad.

Why was freedmen's bureau established by congress during southern reconstruction?

to help former slaves obtain food, shelter, clothing, and education

What were some ways that whites and blacks worked together to ensure freedom of the slaves?

Whites and blacks worked together in various ways, such as participating in the Underground Railroad to help slaves escape to free states, collaborating in abolitionist organizations to advocate for the end of slavery, and forming alliances in the fight against segregation and discrimination during the Civil Rights Movement. These collaborations were key in challenging oppressive systems and advancing the cause of freedom for slaves and civil rights for all.

What were the three reasons to fight the civil war?

- South wanted the right to make their own decisions - North thought slavery was inhumane - South needed slaves for farming Was I any help? :)

Did girls fight in the Civil War?

Women did not fight in the Civil War. But, some did dress up like men to help out in the war.

How did harriet help fight for justice after the civil war?

she helped people fight laws