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Because the slave owners didn't have to pay for the free labour the slave were giving them.

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Q: How did slave owners benefits from slavery?
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Related questions

Who benefits from slavery?

The slave owners.

Did the slave owners feel any gilt in the civil war?

No they loved slavery it was important to the slave owners

Who made money out of slavery?

The slave traders who sold slaves to slave owners.

How did some southerner slave owners defend slavery?

They made the myth of the happy slave and said that slavery actually helped slaves.

Did some Southern slave owners defense slavery?

Slave owners would almost always defend slavery. Slaves were their workers, after all, and they needed to produce food, tobacco, and cotton (especially in the King Cotton years). Some slave owners did have it just as bad as the slaves, or owned a few, and they actually were a bit nicer to those slaves and probably didn't care much for slavery. But a vast majority of slave owners defended slavery; hence the reason for the Civil War.

How does Fredrick Douglas show that slavery corrupts slave owners?


Why was slavery a racial problem?

Slaves were Negros slave owners were Caucasians.

How did Southern slave owners defend slavery?

Southern slave owners defended slavery, by stating that slavery had existed throughout history and was the natural state of mankind. Defenders of slavery argued that the institution was divine, and a good thing for the enslaved. They also noted that in the Bible, Abraham had slaves.

Was slavery an issue causing the Civil War?

It was a factor, but not a sole cause. Most Southerners were not slave owners, and had zero interest in fighting for the sake of slave owners.

Did slave owners steroids into slaves?

No, steroids were not in use duing the time of slavery.

How can you defeat slavery?

Tell slave owners about the 13th Amendment if they live in the US.

What did slave owners do after slavery was abolish?

They were probably forced to let their slaves go unless the slave wanted to stay.