It was very profitable. It allowed the southern colonies to hold profitable tobacco planting. Off this staple crop, they made a lot of money.
The practice of slavery made the growing of cash crops profitable in the South. It was decades after slavery that mechanization made it extremely profitable again.
cotton gin
Being a state that was basically run off agriculture and farming, the south were very dependant on its labour, for if there was no labour there would be no money and if there was no money there was no economy. Slavery played a massive role (well realistically the only role) in the southern economy.
Yes money is made from paper. But not the paper that they use for fake money. And coins are made from metal or copper....or even bronze. Money is made from paper.
Yes, that was how they made all their money.
because it made them lots of money, and made them feel superior
because the slave owners would make alot of money from farming
Slavery was instituted by the colonies that made them richer. This made hard, cheap labor which saved (and made) them money.
the slaves had to work in the cotton fields
Where there is money to be made , there will always people unscrupulous enough to take advantage of it.
resistance and accommodation made for the slavery
Eli Whitney, (who lived in Conn.), invented the cotton gin. The cotton gin removed seeds from cotton. This made cotton worth more money. More slaves were needed to plant, grow, and pick cotton. He made cotton slavery worth more money.
Because the white men who owned land made good money off their slaves because they had all the money so they did not spend much money on their slaves.
In west Africa and other areas blacks were sold into slavery by their own people for committing crimes or they had been war criminals and the society they were in sold them into slavery so they would not have to house them in prison and made money to boot by selling them.
it was about both
A labour force was needed, and slavery was a money-making way to provide it.