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because it made them lots of money, and made them feel superior

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Q: Why did Europeans adopt African slavery in the late fifteenth century?
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Where can you get images of African slavery by the Europeans?

probably on http:/

What year was African slavery introduced to European nations?

Well after the African Moors made slaves of the Europeans.

Why did some europeans excuse slavery?

Because some african weren't christians

How did European change the institution of slavery in Africa?

Slavery existed in African trade long before europeans arrived

What century did African American slavery start?


How long did African Slavery go on for?

Slavery and the slave trade in Africa continue to this day. The African slave trade existed prior to the arrival of Europeans and is known to be responsible for slavery in Northern Africa as well as for exporting millions of Africans as slaves to Middle Eastern countries as well as to Asia and the Americas. The United States of America specifically banned African (and any other form of) slavery over a century ago.

How was African slavery different from European slavery?

The European slave trade did not begin until the fifteenth century A.D. More than 10 million slaves were sold in Europe and the Americas over a period of about 400 years, Ancient African slaves were referred to as servants. They could marry, own property, or even own slaves of their own.

What do the indigenous natives of Australia and Latin America have in common?

Europeans introduced African slavery

Why do African Americans blame the Europeans for slavery but not Arabs?

Arabs did enslave africans long before the europeans, however the europeans did bring chattell slavery to north America, where it evolved and became the peculiar institution that later begat Jim crow....

voting and the fifteenth amendment?

The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in 1865, but more work was needed to ensure that African American citizens had equal rights. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment gave African American men the right to vote, although the law was not upheld in all states.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

What did Europeans think of African people?

Historically, Europeans often viewed African people as inferior, uncivilized, and primitive. This inaccurate perception was used to justify colonialism, slavery, and exploitation of African nations and their resources. These attitudes were driven by racism and a sense of cultural superiority.