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Slave owners would almost always defend slavery. Slaves were their workers, after all, and they needed to produce food, tobacco, and cotton (especially in the King Cotton years). Some slave owners did have it just as bad as the slaves, or owned a few, and they actually were a bit nicer to those slaves and probably didn't care much for slavery. But a vast majority of slave owners defended slavery; hence the reason for the Civil War.

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Q: Did some Southern slave owners defense slavery?
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Why did the southern slave owners fear the northern attitudes toward slavery?

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How did Southern slave owners defend slavery?

Southern slave owners defended slavery by arguing that it was necessary for maintaining the economy and way of life in the South. They claimed that slavery was justified biblically and scientifically, portraying enslaved people as inferior and in need of guidance and discipline. They also used legal and political justifications to protect their property rights in enslaved individuals.

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Why did southern slave owners fear northern attitudes towards slavery?

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The slave owners.

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slave owners, slave traders, and plantation owners.