Go to: http://blogs.webmd.com/womens-health/2007/06/missed-your-period-but-youre-not.html
when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant. when you have your period, that means youre not pregnant.
yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant
If you dont get youre period on youre date can u be pregnant?
You might be pregnant or just have a long discharge
youlll either get reallly bad sickness or feel really crap. if you suspecty you are then wait and see if it comes. although some people still get ther period wen pregnant.
No, it's just something that often happens before a period
chances are youre pregnant
congradulations! youre pregnant
I would go and get a home pregnancy test, take it, If it comes back positive, obviously youre pregnant.f it comes back negative, go to a doctor ASAP.
it means that either youre pregnant or it could be irregular