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yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

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Q: Can you have period pain if your pregnant?
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Can you get period pain after conception?

yes you can. i had period pains about 12 weeks into my pregnancy. i am now 37 weeks pregnant.

In early pregnancy can you be having your period symptoms but not your period?

im a month pregnant yes you can be pregnant and have your period symptoms but its not your period. when my period would come on i would have cramping and lower back pain. now that i am pregnant it feels the same way but a little more tense and i cant stand it

Can you have like period pain and still be pregnant?

Honestly i feel that this can happen during pregnantcy.

Do you get pain in your right side if you are pregnant?

Yes, this is the sign of either pregnancy or your period, mainly period if you haven't started yet.

Lower Adominal pain does mean im pregnant?

No. You wouldn't have any pain. You'd probably have dizziness or fainting after you miss your period.

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

When perioud wont come?

when you are pregnant you will not have a period every month because you will be pregnant and if some people ask why don't we have a perioud when we are pregnant that's it and there is a nother thing why you don't get a perioud when you are pregnant it hearts the baby in you you have to much pain and wait in you that you need more pain with the perioud i hope not. that's why you don't get a perioud when you are pregnant

I miss a period in the month of June and still waiting for my period to come. I am experience back pain and cramps. Could I be pregnant?

Yes these are signs of pregnancy.

Does headaches lower back pain sweeling in the belly means that am pregnant?

you might be getting your period? if not you might be; go to the docters to cheak.

Will breast pain occur if a girl is pregnant?

Breast tenderness, yes. That usually also occur when you ovulate or get your period.

You have brown discharge with a bad smellwhat could it be?

the beginning of your mestural period.

You have been getting pains in your stomace its not like period pain and iv been getting brown blood for one daybut pain for a week before?

You could be pregnant.