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With discovery comes the answer. You need to pay attention and decide who you are sexually attracted to. Sometimes people can be attracted to the opposite sex but are curious to have an experience with the same sex. This does not necessarily make them bi-sexual but it would be classified as bi-curious. Either way you must live your life how you want - don't let other's expectations of you dominate your life.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

If you are attracted to both genders, you may identify as bisexual. If you are only attracted to the opposite gender, you may identify as straight. It's important to remember that sexual orientation is a personal experience and can be fluid. Consider exploring your feelings and attractions to better understand your own identity.

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Q: How can you tell if you're bi or straight?
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ANSWER:Your the only one that can answer this one is you. I am a girl and a mother of 3 and I can tell you that I am straight and never had experience.

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yes its something people cannot help you cant choose what you want its what lifes about youre either gay bi or straight and if youre son (if you have one or plan to) does go out with a boy support him dont bully or force him because thats not ok.

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If youre not afraid to tell people then you can say something like "Yes I am. And Im proud of it" .or you can just say yes. and if you Are afraid, just ignore them. But who cares what people think of you. You are who you are, nobody can change you. ~I am bi and i have a lot of friends who are. plus i have some who are straight up gay. But it's okay, we are who we chose to be. Another thing, I was holding hands with my gf when we were walking and every bus that passed by, people were staring. So dont be afraid if that happens to you. PDA is normal. (:

I am bi who do you tell?

If you are bi the first person you should tell is your parents and then you can tell you frineds

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you are not bi just tell and they would get expelled

How do you tell if youre bi curious?

Humans are curious. t's our nature. Everyone thinks of these things. I wonder how i'd be bi. Don't worry love the answer will come to you with time, but if you get the chance to expereince anything, try it. We're not cats we only got 1 life.

Was usher ever bi?

no he was never bi.. straight all the way

You watched a programme called skins the other night and it had two girls kissing it really turned you on and you dont know if im bisexual or gay?

if youre a guy, that's perfectly straight. if youre a girl, idk. ask yourself- are you attracted to only guys?are you not attracted to girls?if you said yes, youre straughtif you said no, youre gay are you attracted to guys?are you attracted to girls?if you like guys and girls, you are bi