The word that means "bi" in Greek is "δί." In Latin, the word is "bi-" or "duo."
Bi-lateral symmetry means that if you split 'said object' straight down the middle, both sides will be the same.
To make your hair straight with a treatment, you can use a chemical straightening process like a keratin treatment or a relaxer. These treatments work by breaking down the natural bonds in your hair to make it straight. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and consult with a professional stylist to ensure the best results and minimize damage to your hair.
ask her
Some animals that make tracks in a straight line include snakes, insects, and certain birds like herons and egrets.
if you likeLIKE her then yah your bi
well u can eather hert her so she could forget about girls
She may be bi-curious
well if your a girl then your straight. if your a guy then you would be bi. maybe even gay.
yes that would be rather wierd
No, if you are asking this question you should really take the time to learn about the "birds and bees". If the "straight" girl is not even having sex with the bi girl then how would seminal fluid from a previous partner get into the straight girl's vagina?
You kiss a straight girl the same way you kiss a lesbian. If you are asking "How do I get a straight girl to kiss me?", then the answer may be --- be yourself and if she likes you also, then eventually she'll share a kiss with you. Of course if she has a crush on you then she is Bi and not really straight.
you are bisexual.
If you know that she's lesbian, bi, pan, omni, or whatever then just straight up ask her out, and try to make it romantic. If you don't know her sexual orientation or you think she's straight but hope she's bi, then flirt a little. Make yourself seem open (but not too slutty if you can help it), or you can get a mutual friend to ask around.
ANSWER:Your the only one that can answer this one is you. I am a girl and a mother of 3 and I can tell you that I am straight and never had experience.
Randy Orton is straight, he is married Samantha Speno and has a little girl Alanna Marie Orton No, he is not gay or bi