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If you like both boys and girls you're bi-sexual.

If you like one or the other and don't like the other of the two genders you're not bi-sexual.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to. If you find yourself attracted to both men and women, you may be bisexual. It is normal for feelings and attractions to evolve over time, so take your time exploring and understanding your own feelings.

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Q: How do you know if youre bi?
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if youre a guy, that's perfectly straight. if youre a girl, idk. ask yourself- are you attracted to only guys?are you not attracted to girls?if you said yes, youre straughtif you said no, youre gay are you attracted to guys?are you attracted to girls?if you like guys and girls, you are bi

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Stay their friend and support them through all they do and make sure you are always their when they need you

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The best thing to do is to leave him alone! let him figure it out by himself. your pushing him back into the closet, not helping him out. When he's ready to come out, you might not be the first person to know, dont question him, just let him know youre his best friend

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If someone asks you if you are bi, it means they were curious and felt bold enough to ask you. It's possible they've only known you a short time and don't know your history. It's also possible they ask a lot of people they meet the same question, because they are nosy.

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How do you tell if youre bi curious?

Humans are curious. t's our nature. Everyone thinks of these things. I wonder how i'd be bi. Don't worry love the answer will come to you with time, but if you get the chance to expereince anything, try it. We're not cats we only got 1 life.