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There are a few ways to avoid pregnancy, the oral contraceptive and the condom are the best methods.

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Q: How can pregnancy be avoided after intercourse?
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Can you have intercourse during 5th week of pregnancy?

You can have intercourse through the entire pregnancy unless you have a risky pregnancy and the doctor say otherwise.

Can pregnancy detect in week after intercourse?

No, you need to wait 14 days (two weeks) after intercourse to determine pregnancy.

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If you had intercourse with condoms, yes.

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Can you have intercourse after pregnancy?

It is usually safe to have intercourse 6 weeks after pregnancy. If you are still unsure or uncomfortable after 6 weeks, contact your doctor.

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Yes it preceeds sexual intercourse otherwise sexual intercourse should be avoided.

Is one day intercourse lead to pregnancy?

It can.

After how long is pregnancy detected?

Approximately 14 days after intercourse, pregnancy can be detected.

How can a couple use fertility awareness methods to conceive a child or to prevent pregnancy?

In the female menstrual cycle, there are only 2-3 days in which a woman can conceive a child. Conception can be facilitated or avoided by not having intercourse on these days.

Causes of early pregnancy?

The cause of pregnancy is intercourse but that is probably not what you mean. Rephrase the question.

Intercourse after ovulation has a harm effect on pregnancy?

No, not at all