No, you need to wait 14 days (two weeks) after intercourse to determine pregnancy.
14 days after intercourse.
You can have intercourse through the entire pregnancy unless you have a risky pregnancy and the doctor say otherwise.
yes it is possible.
A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.
If you are referring to when you can detect hcg levels during pregnancy, you should wait 14 days after intercourse to get an accurate test.
no. opks are ovulation prediction kits. they detect when you ovulate. to find if youre pregnant, you have to take a pregnancy test
No, 2 weeks.
No pregnancy test can detect pregnancy that early. It takesabout 2 weeks for your body to produce the hormone that would test you as positive.
No, it wont be accurate until 14 days after intercourse.
Having sex four times a week will increase the chance of pregnancy when there are no fertility issues by increasing the likeliness of having intercourse during ovulation.
There is a small risk of pregnancy.