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I have always wondered that.I am shy and like an outgoing boy this is what i did: nothing (yet) my suggestion would be 2 talk 2 him then he'll realize how much he really likes u and then he will and then you'll live happily ever after.i hope that happens with me! LOL

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16y ago

Easy, be yourself but if they don't like you forget them. Sooner or later you will find some friends that would like you for who you really are.

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Q: How can a shy girl get a outgoing boy?
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Can a very outgoing guy be very shy around a girl and take forever to ask her out?

Ya,defenitly.It doesnt matter if he is shy or outgoing.And can take forever for a boy to ask out a girl.

How can the word ''outgoing'' be used in a sentence?

Example: The young boy was very outgoing; however, his friend was shy and secluded.

Is outgoing not being shy or being shy?

If you are outgoing you are not shy.

Shy boys like girls?

Just because you're shy doesn't mean you are not attracted to people. If you are a shy boy, perhaps you can find a way to become more outgoing. Maybe you can join a club or head to a library and there might be a shy girl there you hit it off with.

Do girls like boys who are shy?

Depends on the personality of the girl... if the girl is outgoing she will most likely go for a guy who is more outgoing also,,,,, but if she wants to be the more dominate person in the relationship she will go for a shy guy. If the girl is shy the guy will most likely have to ask her out so the guy will have to handle that one!

What does it mean if a girl is shy near you and seems outgoing with other people?

it means that she likes you

Will an inexperienced confident outgoing guy be shy and uncomfortable around a girl he likes?

no or at least he shouldn't as a matter of fact no boy should.if u like the girl tell her and if its a girl that boy knew for a long time even if she doesnt like you,you guys can still be close friends

Can a confident outgoing guy act shy around a shy quiet girl he likes?

Yes he because if he truly like her than he can.

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Will an inexperienced outgoing guy be shy around the girl he likes?

It depends on how much he really cares about

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How do you tell if a girl likes a girl?

Same way you'll tell if a boy likes a girl. It may be subtle, even undetectable. But if it is visible, the lover will hang out more with the other girl, and generally prefer privacy with her. Also, gifts or compliments are not uncommon. But it depends on the girl and how outgoing/shy she is.