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Losing weight, just like gaining it, takes time. Crash diets often lead to initial water loss, which can look like you're losing weight, but it's not fat you're burning. Regardless of all the fad diets and get skinny quick schemes, the healthiest and longest lasting way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake to what it should be for your desired weight and increasing the amount of calories that you burn by exercising.'s not just cutting calories, but balancing your diet in a way that is healthy, but also something you can sustain. If you like sweets, don't say no more cookies or cake.....just limit it to once in a while and to a single serving (read the labels - serving sizes are much smaller than we often think).

That said, some of the easiest things to do for young people to cut calories are usually to quit drinking sugared drinks (soda pop, juice, gatorade, etc.) and start drinking water. A glass of 100% fruit juice with breakfast and milk or water with meals is plenty. Also DON'T SNACK all the time. Eat 3 decent, healthy (meat, whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc.) a day and two small snacks to maintain your metabolism and to keep from getting hungry. Great mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are things like a slice of cheese, a low-fat yougurt, a banana, etc.

Also STAY AWAY FROM FAST FOOD AT ALL COSTS. One super-size hamburger meal has an entire day's worth of calories, way too much fat and salt.

In short, if you want to lose weight, think first about being healthy and making changes that will last a life time (and lengthen your life time).

For more information about the best ways for a 12-year-old to lose weight, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.


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Q: How can a 12 year old lose weight fast?
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