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It should be quite accurate

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Q: How accurate are pregnancy tests 4 days after a missed period?
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How long after your period will a pregnancy test be accurate?

Most pregnancy tests are accurate day one of your missed period, if your test is negative retake it in 3 to 7 days.

Can I take a home pregnancy test and not have missed a period yet?

Some home pregnancy tests can give you an accurate answer up to 5 days before your missed period. The later you wait the more accurate the results. Save your money and just wait until you are late to test.

If it is not time for a girl's period but she takes the pregnancy test anyway and gets a negative result is it accurate and reliable?

No. Most pregnancy tests are much more reliable once the period has been missed.

When do you count the days for your missed period?

pregnancy tests will only detectafter 5 days of your missed period

How any days after sex can you take an accurate pregnancy test?

A home pregnancy test ,when taken correctly, is considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation or unprotected sex.

If you take a pregnancy test a week after conception how accurate will the results be if you take the digital clearblue pregnancy test which is supposed to detect 4 days before missed period?

A week after having sex is too soon to take a test. Although the test says you can use it 4 days before a period is due, it will be more accurate (and cheaper) if you wait until your period is late.

How far into pregnancy do you need to be to have a positive home pregnancy test?

The most accurate tests claim to have around an 80% accuracy rate five days before your missed period. The day you are supposed to have your period the accuracy goes up and it goes up even further days after your missed period.

How long does it take to be pregnant before you can find out?

Within a day or so of the first missed day of your period. OTC eary pregnancy tests are affordable and very accurate.

What is the right time to determined pregnancy before a missed period?

Pregnancy can be determined by todays over the counter tests as early as 3-5 days after fetilization, which is roughly the same time as ovulation (egg release). Therefore, its a question of when the person ovulated, and not when the missed period is. Home pregnancy tests can be positive even before a missed period.

When pregnancy test should be taken?

A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.

What could be wrong if my friend has missed her period (6 months late) and has signs of pregnancy but all tests are negative?

All home pregnancy tests*

When can you have pregnancy test?

Some pregnancy tests will say "Results up to 5 days sooner" but if you will notice that the accuracy percentage is very low. With each day that is closer to your missed period your likelihood of the result being accurate increases. I recommend no less than 1-2 before your missed period.