well, i'm a lesbian however, i find it really attractive when a man tries to hit on me. Anyway a lesbian usually looks for attention, sympathy, some understanding, support,and some one who makes her feel in control you know. So my advice is try some friendship technices like talkin', hangin out, and sharing interest. then comes the flowers, it always works, and lots and lots of gifts coz they show interest and reflect clearly how a person feels....... if nothin works, show her that you're interested in her friendship, and it doesn't matter if she's a lesbian or not coz you'll support her no matter what.....
It called lesbian and it another word for gay and girl and girl.
This is an unlikely, if not impossible scenario, since a truly straight girl would not want to hook up with a lesbian.
You kiss a straight girl the same way you kiss a lesbian. If you are asking "How do I get a straight girl to kiss me?", then the answer may be --- be yourself and if she likes you also, then eventually she'll share a kiss with you. Of course if she has a crush on you then she is Bi and not really straight.
When one lesbian loves another lesbian very much, they often deedle each other.
Panisexual is a person who is attracted to people who are gay,lesbian or straight.
yes, if she is not straight
lesbian means that a girl fancies or loves another girl. Gay means that a boy fancies/ loves another boy. Homosexual means that person loves their own gender. A lesbian is a gay woman.
you do not make a lesbian. gays are born gay. you could convince a straight girl to do things with you, but you cannot convert them.
If I'm reading this right and she loves you she's obviously already attracted to you in some way
you can nottice her eyes...if they sparkle while watching a young lady then she is lesbian...
If your a girl then thats probably means your wanting to experience being a lesbian. But if your a guy then that probably means that your wondering what goes on in the life of a lesbian.