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I feel the same. Like something should be happening but it isn't. Your not alone, somethings not there. I don't know if your they same but I feel distant and different from everyone else. The cure for it I suppose is nothing, it could wear off in a couple of years, just do normal things, you feel still -empty- but not as bad.

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If a person lives happily, there is nothing missing. We need to be happy with what we have.

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Q: Have you ever feel like something is missing in your life?
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It sounds like you may be seeking a sense of purpose or fulfillment. Consider exploring new hobbies, setting goals, or seeking opportunities to challenge yourself and grow. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and work towards incorporating more of that into your life.

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It is because you love them. Even if you don't, they probably have an impact on your life, big or small, and now that they are not around you anymore, you feel empty like you are missing something. It is because you want to be around them, yet you know that you can't.

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There are many reasons why you might feel depressed after having a good time. One of them is the release of endorphins in your brain which makes you feel happy and contented. However, these endorphins quickly get depleted, which leaves you feeling like there's something missing in your life.

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sometimes I feel I have, sometimes i feel I haven't.... yes of course everyone has mixed feelings about something in their lives. "I don't like this girl that much, but she is hot.." "my job sucks but it pays great"

How would a man feel if he hadn't spoken to his father half his life?

hed probly feel stressed and feel as if hes missing a part of his life try to cool and soothe that person and try to find them a way to see there father