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It is assumed that he died of natural causes between The Darkest Hour and Firestars Quest

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11mo ago

Smallear dies defending ThunderClan's camp from the badgers in the book "The Darkest Hour" by Erin Hunter. He bravely fights alongside his Clanmates but unfortunately succumbs to his injuries during the battle.

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Swiftbreeze. NOT poppydawn, she is the mother to thistleclaw rosetail and and sweetpaw. Goldenflower is his littermate. His mother is Speckletail and his father is Smallear.

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There is no indication in the Warrior Cats series that Smallear and Speckletail were mates. They were part of the same Clan and had a friendly relationship, but there is no proof of them being mates.

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Who dies in ThunderClan in Warriors?

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By Sunrise who is the oldest cat in ThunderClan?

By Sunrise, the oldest cat in ThunderClan is Mousefur (I THINK). Hang on, lemme look, yes it is Mousefur, 'cause she's older than Longtail. And they are the only two elders in ThunderClan in Sunrise.

Does thunderclan have to move their territory in warrior cats?

Yes. Their camp gets over taken by the twolegs. So Tawnypelt from Shadowclan camp, Brambleclaw from the Thunderclan camp, Squirrelpaw from Thunderclan, Featherpaw from Riverclan, Stormfur from Riverclan, and Crowpaw from Windclan. They went on the Great Journey to find new land and when the two legs took over they left to go to the new land. But, the elders ( Smallear, Goldenflower and Speckletail) thought they couldn't make it so they stayed behind. :(

How does a snake respond to stimuli?

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