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Probably not, you might be going through the worst days out of the month for a girl...yes i mean the dreadful period.

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Q: Got stomach ache feeling and bloated are you pregnant?
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I have an airy feeling in the lower part of my stomach am i pregnant?

No! You probably have a stomach ache or are hungry. I get it sometimes then i eat something and it goes away just relax don't worry! ☺

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chances are youre pregnant

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Maybe it is heartburn. It could also be a regular stomach ache if it isn't constant or just happened once.

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u could be allergic to his sperm - or maybe too much air has been pumped in? I doubt your allergic to sperm. Take a pregnancy test

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If you are feeling unwell go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor).

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Nobody knows who got the 1st stomach ache.

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you had better ring your midwife might be a problem

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Stomach ache for 3 days or pregnancy?

I'd rather have the stomach ache. Kids last for years and years.