Im 39 weeks pregnant and have got constant stomach ache too. It doesnt matter if Im sitting down, walking or lying down, my stomach is constantly aching. I would like to know what it means too.
Pushing on the stomach can cause premature labor if enough pressure is applied. More specifically, the woman will enter premature dilation, which in turn leads to a premature baby. For this reason, pregnant women should avoid sleeping on their stomach.
Pregnancy it's self does not cause pain . Labor causes pain but that would be a different question.
i wouldent run her if i were you, she could go into earlie labor
You shouldn't be having sex when you are dilated and or after 9 months pregnant. It could be dangerous to the unborn child. As for your question, It probably could bring on labor.
I think she is going to wear a fake stomach, like Lindsay Lohan does in Labor Pains. You can check out the Labor Pains trailer if you want on Youtube. Either that, or they'll use computer animation.
when a woman pregnant and her belly button pops out does that mean she in labor yes or no
A white discharge in a pregnant horse could indicate that she is nearing labor. It is important to monitor her closely for other signs of labor, such as restlessness, pacing, and looking at her belly. Contact your veterinarian for guidance on how to proceed.
If you are 37 weeks, you are full term, it could be labor, sometimes sex can bring on labor. If the pain is really bad go to the hospital. Hope this helps
Yes, early labor can feel that way.
You can have periods and everything else be normal, but still be pregnant. In some cases women can experience a sharp discomfort in their lower regions, go to the toilet and all of a sudden be in labor and had no idea they were pregnant- this happened to my friend. SO go and get checked out.
i think the stomach pains you have been getting are witch called (BRAXTON HICKS) false labor ... that just means it getting your body ready for real labor.. i think you shouldn't have any consern unless you are getting them 5 to 6 mins apart ... its best to also tell your doctor.. just to make sure