It does not seem likely. Go to your doctor for an un-questionable answer but it seems more like a stomach issue than pregnancy.
At 3 months of pregnancy, the average size of a woman's stomach is about the size of a grapefruit.
yes it can if you leave a glass of juice for more than 3 days it will give you bad stomach ache and you will die as your body cant fight the mold
2 months, 3 days, 16 hours. and you need to be knocked up too.
after 3 month
You may get a stomach ache. Try not to take meds with alcohol.
Hi, I am also 4 days late, with backache and cramping. Not taken a pregnancy test as I am scared it might come negative. I will wait another 3-4 days to test.
If you are on your period and you were 3 days late but you have stomach pains and eat all night, you might be worried that you are pregnant. If you were not using contraception, you could indeed be pregnant. The only way to know for sure is to do a pregnancy test, either at home or at the doctor's.
And i took 3 pregnancy test and came out neg.NO period juss spoting for two days juss enough to show up when i wiped.
I don't know if its supposed to but mine does too. I am only about 3 weeks along and I noticed it about 5 days ago.
to take anything with tylenol3 would be foolhardy unless you are looking for a terrific stomach ache!