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i have the same thing!! i took 2 tests and they both did that, I'm 4 days late and calling a professional today, cuz as far as I'm concerned, there should be NOTHING showing up along that positive line unless you are preggers.....and it happened twice. I'll let you know what i find out if its not too late

What's the update, ladies??

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Q: Dots on a pregnancy test in result window?
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The negative sign in result window was really light could it be a false negative?

Home pregnancy test can be wrong but any mark in the result window, even if very faint, is positive for pregnancy. Retake the test...the best time to test is in the morning when your urine is concentrated.

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can fluoxitine affect a pregnancy test result.

Are you pregnant if the pregnancy test has two dots above the negative line?

No, you are not.

Can results be invalid if you peed on result window of pregnancy test?

Yes. After getting a positive test result when I was pregnant with my son, I took another test to show my husband's parents. I accidentally peed on the result window and the test came out negative. I don't know if it's always invalid, but it happened with me, so there you go :)I've learned to just pee in a cup and dip the test in.

What does it mean when a pregnancy test shows a very thin cross sign that doesn't look like a positive as it was too thin?

Any line in the "result" window, anything at all, no matter how faint, can be considered a positive result. Early pregnancy produces low levels of HCG (the pregnancy hormone detectable in urine) and thus produce a barely-there line. Test again in a few days and the line will get darker and more visible. (Levels of HCG double every day in early pregnancy) So in short, it means your pregnant. If the control window has a line, the test is working properly. If the result window also has a line, even if it's almost invisible, it's a positive result.

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.

Can a pregnancy test show an accurate result after 19 days?

19 days after intercourse may result in a accurate pregnancy test.

You just took a Ept pregnancy test today the result was a dark blue line in the square window and a blank sign in the circle window What does that mean?

I don't know same thing happened to me

Can Ovulex affect a pregnancy test result?

Hello, Ovulex will not effect a pregnancy test result. Only medication containing HCG will effect a pregnancy test result. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts. ------------------------------------------------------------

Can pressing on results window on a pregnancy test make it positive?


Can folic acid change the result of a pregnancy test?

No, folic acid is a vitamin, nothing to do with a pregnancy test.

You took a pregnancy test with a purple cap and it has a dark blue horizontal line and a lighter blue vertical line. Are you pregnant?

if there are two line on a pregnancy test, i was always taught that it ment you were pregnant, one line just says that the test worked the other line (whatever color it may be) is picking up the hormone level sent off by the placenta... so most likely your pregnant.... take a home pregnancy test they come with instructions on how to read it and everything...