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can't say for sure, but i am supposed to get my tonsils removed and every time i smoke weed since its gotten bad i can barely breath, its terrible.
i would say yes somewhat.

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Q: Does smoking weed damage your tonsils?
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Is smoking weed harmful after getting your tonsils removed?

Its always harmful (to some extent) to inhale smoke.

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Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed

Is smoking better then smoking weed?

smoking weed is better than smoking cigarettes. It's much healthier for you!

What weed does to the heart?

Nothing ... ? Weed doesn't damage any parts of the body. It is often associated with Tobacco (cigarettes) smoking and therefore are deemed "harmful to the lungs". However, weed doesn't damage the lungs and if it does, extremely minimal damage is caused. WEED DOESNT KILL, IT HEALS AND ONLY HEALS.

How long will it take for weed to cause brian damage?

I would estimate about 1 hour of non stop smoking.

Physiological effects of marijuana?

Well, all i can tell you is that smoking weed isn't anywhere near as bad as people say it is. They are all just a bunch of pussys. Ive been smoking the tasty herb since 6th grade and i have always had all A's and B's. Im in all honors classes as of now and doing very well. I would say there isn't any negative effects of smoking weed, except maybe some damage to your lungs, but not as damaging as ciggarettes. Smoking weed is perfectly safe, and should be legal. THIS IS BULLL>lung damage ,cell damage and u can ruin your life

Weed smoking is bad for health?

Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits

Can you get skinny from smokin weed?

No you can not get skinnier from smoking weed

What can smoking cause and effect?

smoking what? weed? or ciggs?

Does smoking have alcohol in it?

No but weed does

Can I get pregnant while smoking weed?

Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.