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Drain is the wrong word. The thing at the end of the cigarette is actually a filter, which is obvious just by reading the name, it filters out a lot of the chemicals tobacco companies put into the cigarettes. The filter will also filter out some THC from a Cannabis cigarette, but some is still likely to get through.

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12y ago

No it filters it out, but nicotine is sh!t, dont do it.!

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Q: Does smoking ciggerettes keep THC in the body?
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How can you cleanse your body to rid THC?

The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.

How do you pass THC test after smoking marijuana?

no there is no way THC will stay in your system for months

How long does THC stay in the body if you smoked once for the first time in a month and you play hockey?

"THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) can stay in a person's body for as long as 3 to 90 days after smoking or being ingested orally." It gets stored in fat tissue everywhere in the body, but it depends if you've smoked constantly for a period of time, or just smoking once or twice a month.

How long will Strip NC complete body cleanser keep your urine clean of THC?

There is nothing that keeps your body completely clean of THC. The only way to have a clean body is not to use any drugs.

Can weed stay in your system without smoking?

yes because of secondhand smoke. even if you dont get high while smoking around people you are still breathing in the smoke and there will be thc in your body.

Why are your THC levels going up and down?

THC is a lipid-soluble polypeptide, meaning it is stored in fat cells. Your THC can drop as you stop smoking and your body metabolizes it into THC-OH and THC-COOH. However afterwards if you burn off more of the THC embued fat cells, the THC in these cells is released into your bloodstream causing a spike in the levels present. It is possible to always have some amount of THC in your body, even years after you quit smoking. Drugs tests usually only test for levels of 50 nanograms per milliliter (50ng/ml) so as long as your below this even Gas Chromatography Mass Spectometry (GCMS tests) cannot detect these amounts.

How do you get THC in your body?

You can get THC in your body by consuming marijuana.

What is the best way to detox your body from THC?

By not smoking. It is stored in the fat cells in the body and only goes away when your body releases it on it's own. This can take between 15 and 90 days.

How does THC break down in the body?

how does THC break down in the body

How quick does THC get in your system?

Depends on how much your smoking and what kind