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Piercing your nipple can potentially decrease sensitivity due to nerve damage caused during the piercing process. Nerves can be disrupted or severed, leading to reduced sensation in the area. Additionally, scar tissue formation around the piercing site can also impact sensitivity. It's important to consider the risks and potential consequences before deciding to get a nipple piercing.

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13y ago

ive had mine done and i wouldn't say it decreases sensitivity, it could even increase it. but then again it all depends on the person and the piercing.

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What does it mean if you get a nipple piercing?

That you decided to get a nipple piercing.

Do men enlarge there nipples?

No, men do not naturally enlarge their nipples. Nipple size can vary among individuals, but enlargement is not a common or natural occurrence in men. If a man experiences nipple enlargement, it may be due to hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions that should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

How long nipple piercing?

It varies from person to person, depending on the size of your nipple.

What clearance should there be either side of the nipple for a nipple piercing on a male if at all any my nipple is already pierced?

The jewellery needs to be 2 mm longer than the width of the piercing.

What are the negatives and positives to getting a nipple piercing?

Many are motivated to get a nipple piercing for personal reasons including for self-expression and to feel unique.

Why do women pierce their nipple?

Nipple piercing is not only for the look of the piercing but also for personal stimulation, once healed nipple piercings can be quite erotic and will add sensation when the right jewellery is in the piercings.

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How do you make a fake nipple piercing?

To make a simple fake nipple piercing, you need to obtain a nipple ring and bend the ring with pliers so that the ring looks like a U shape which you can then apply to your nipple and adjust to your own needs.

Where was body piercing originated?

It is known to have started by the Romans by nipple piercing to show their bravery.

How do you make sterling non-piercing nipple clips?

Most love shops have the non piercing nipple clips, buy a set and copy them using silver.