Diane pills are a birth control method that can affect hormones. Depending on your hormones, you can gain or lose weight. Each individual is affected differently.
You can indeed gain weight when you ovulate. This is due to the unbalanced hormones raging through your sensitive system.
Yes there is a chance of weight gain with the pill, I am not sure about the patch, but I would not doubt it. There is no telling how much you will gain. I believe that the hormones are what makes you gain the weight. I can not guarentee that though.
as the baby devolps, so do hormones, some can cause mood swins, cravings, weight gain, and more
does cherry gain weight
It all depends on the person, because its hormones basically. some people lose weight, some people put on weight, some don't change at all!
Yes it's collagen make you gain weight
actually hyperthyroidism causes weight loss while hypothyroidism causes weight gain. This is due to the hormones produced by the thyroid which regulate the storage of energy as fat in the body.
No; in fact, bioidentical hormones can help stop weight gain caused by loss of hormones during menopause. This is why doctors often prescribe them for women (or men) going through the aging process.
no it can make you gain weight!
It shouldn't make you gain weight, I believe it is one of few birth controls that wont make you gain weight, but it can cause breast enlargement, so I guess if it does this then yes it could possibly make you gain very very little weight.