The answer is yes but with risks.
Meth is water-soluble, which means that in the warm, moist cavities of your lungs, it will not "recrystalize". It will remain in solution. Shards will never "come out your skin/mouth/penis".
As someone who used to smoke meth regularly, I will tell you that the primary physiological problem from meth use is the strain it places on your pulmonary system (heart, etc). Your heart beats faster/harder than usual, which could cause damage to occur.
However, the main reason to stay away from meth is the psychological problems, not the physical ones. Meth WILL screw with your mind. You will start hearing voices, have paranoia, etc. I thought I was too drug savvy to allow the thoughts/voices to become real to me, and for several months, I was. But after that, it just became too real, and life became torture. It took two full years after I stopped using for the voices to go away (that whole time I was thinking they would never leave me alone). Now that I'm clean, and mentally-correct, I will never use meth again. The benefits just don't outweigh the consequences. I'll be sticking to marijuana.
The question should rephrased to "CAN it get you high?", because it depends on how much you inhale. If you're wondering if the secondhand smoke still has meth in it, the answer is YES! That's one of the reasons people sometimes do what is called "shotgunning", which involves one person taking a hit from their meth pipe and then exhaling it into the mouth of the second person, who inhales that and then exhales THEIR smoke into the first person. This gets repeated until no smoke comes out. So whether you inhale the smoke directly from the first smoker or you just inhale the fumes wafting about the room, whatever you inhale has meth in it. Do that long enough and you'll get high without technically saying you smoked anything. Purposely keeping the room closed (or often a car) so that one can continuously inhale the second-hand smoke of any drug is also known as "hot boxing". A famous example of this depicted in a movie is when Sean Penn opens the door to his van in the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".
There is no evidence or historical record indicating that Albert Einstein ever used or smoked methamphetamine. He was known for his work as a physicist and his contributions to science, rather than for any involvement with drugs.
There is no specific amount of meth residue that is considered safe on furniture. Any amount of meth residue can be harmful to health, as it can be ingested or inhaled by individuals coming in contact with the contaminated furniture. It is recommended to have a professional decontamination service assess and clean furniture that may be contaminated with meth residue.
Meth can be transferred person to person through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, sharing drug paraphernalia such as pipes or needles, or through bodily fluids like blood or saliva. It is important to avoid sharing any items that may have come into contact with meth to prevent the spread of the drug.
No, consuming urine, even if it contains meth, is not safe or recommended. Meth is a harmful drug that can have serious health consequences if ingested, and drinking urine can expose you to a variety of toxins and waste products that your body has already excreted. It is best to avoid consuming urine and seek appropriate medical help for any substance abuse issues.
the smoke is not good for anyone or any animal
Methamphetamine smoke is NOT detectable on blood urine or any other drug test if you are not inhaling this smoke. Second hand meth smoke. Please!
I hope not.
meth...its the greatest drug in the world i only smoke it occasionally and i like my joints unfurled marijuana is so nice i dont have any lice
any chemicals that would help with meth withdrawal
No, it isn't safe to do either at ANY time, together OR apart. Doing them together just increases your chances of overdosing.
The question should rephrased to "CAN it get you high?", because it depends on how much you inhale. If you're wondering if the secondhand smoke still has meth in it, the answer is YES! That's one of the reasons people sometimes do what is called "shotgunning", which involves one person taking a hit from their meth pipe and then exhaling it into the mouth of the second person, who inhales that and then exhales THEIR smoke into the first person. This gets repeated until no smoke comes out. So whether you inhale the smoke directly from the first smoker or you just inhale the fumes wafting about the room, whatever you inhale has meth in it. Do that long enough and you'll get high without technically saying you smoked anything. Purposely keeping the room closed (or often a car) so that one can continuously inhale the second-hand smoke of any drug is also known as "hot boxing". A famous example of this depicted in a movie is when Sean Penn opens the door to his van in the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".
Yes, any method of taking Meth can cause paralysis.
All they can really tell is that you have used meth.
this is terrible you cannot smoke benadryl or if you can it cant be good for you I think this is a main ingredient to meth or sphiphed don't smoke any thing not meant fro good ^Previous answer is completely idiotic. From what I've read benadryl's psychoactive compounds would be destroyed by a flame, but your welcome to try, I doubt it will do any harm. If you can even stand the smoke, that is. You'd be better off swallowing a few. Check out the website "erowid". It's an interesting experience but can definitely be scary if you psyche yourself out. Good luck.
Meth kills you faster and uglier than any drug on earth in many ways.
No, any smoke is coming from the engine.No, any smoke is coming from the engine.