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Not any more. They changed the drug in it to one you can't make meth from.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Vicks Inhalers contain the l-isomer of methamphetamine. They'll DEFINITELY show up as meth.

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Can cocaine show up as meth on a drug screen?

If the crack pipe was used to smoke Meth, then yes. Otherwise, Cocaine and meth are completely different drugs. Meth would show up as an amphetamine, and cocaine shows up in a separate test just for it.

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Meth, or any of the ingredients used to make it (cold pills containing pseudoephedrine) will show up on a meth test.

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It will not show up as either.

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Did you go to the dentist? I had Novacaine show up as coke but I'm not sure about the meth.

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I'm assuming that ambilify is Abilify, and if so, I don't see any reasons why it would possibly show up as meth. Restalin.. I'll assume that is Restoril, and that will not show up as meth either (it will show up as a benzo).

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It shouldn't do. Zantac is in no way chemically similar to meth.

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Will pseudephed show up as illegal drug on a drug test?

Pseudoephedrine, a meth precursor, can show up as amphetamines.