

Does everyone get a period

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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All female humans do. If a woman never gets a period, it might mean something is wrong and she should see a doctor about it.

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Q: Does everyone get a period
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How do you determine when your about to get your period?

If you've menstruated before then you can determine when you're about to get your period based on your average menstrual cycle length - this is normally around 28 days but everyone is slightly different. Otherwise it's a little trickier to predict, everyone's bodies change leading up to menstruation - for example about two weeks prior to your period you will ovulate so your temperature will change and you will likely get fertile cervical mucus (an egg-white type discharge), after that you may notice your discharge thicken, changes to your mood, skin, breasts, etc. Many women don't learn to recognise these changes until they've menstruated for a while.

What is the difference between everyone and all?

Everyone is used to address the living while all can be used to address anything... Like Everyone please pay attention... And These all are for sale.... You can't use Everyone in this sentence....

12 periods in order from the preCambrian to the quaternary?

The 11 geological periods from Precambrian to Quaternary are :-Paleozoic Era Cambrian Period - 542 to 488.3 million years agoOrdovician Period - 488.3 to 443.7 MaSilurian Period - 443.7 to 416 MaDevonian Period - 416 to 359.2 MaCarboniferous Period - 359.2 to 299 MaPermian Period - 299 to 251 MaMesozoic Era Triassic Period - 251 to 199.6 MaJurassic Period - 199.6 to 145.5 MaCretaceous Period - 145.5 to 65.5 MaCenozoic Era Paleogene Period - 65.5 to 23.3 MaNeogene Period - 23.3 to 2.588 Ma

Can you get pregnant while on your period but no sperm came out after sex during my period?

Yes you can get pregnant while on your period -

The time it takes two successive crests of an ocean wave to pass a given point is called a?

A wave length.

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Which period is Mr.McAdams favorite?

Everyone but first and second period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is periodization for everyone?

Yes EveryGirl Has To Have A Period.

Can you go swimming without tampond while on your period?

if you want everyone to see you're on your period, then yeah

When is your period going to start?

It's different for everyone. Usually, no one gets it before their 12 but everyone is different.

Did everyone agree on slavery and secession?

There has never been a historical period in which everyone agreed on anything. There is always some disagreement.

Was rationing fair for everyone in the country in World War 2?

No! period.

When will you get your next period if your last period started feb 26 and ended march 3rd?

march 24 but everyone is different

Is your period supposed to be normal after getting off birth control?

Everyone starts getting their period after birth control eventually.

What does it mean if you get cramps a day after your period?

It means your body is getting used to it and it happens to everyone you're not on your own everyone gets these pains

Can steroids make your period longer?

Steroids can make your period longer. They effect everyone in different ways. Your period can be effected even up to a month or two after the steroids.

How many days before my period should you get cramps?

The time that cramps start vary with everyone. Some get them days before their period while others get them the day of their period.

Is it good for your period to be light?

it can be light or heavy. everyone is different. it is perfectly fine. :)