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The time that cramps start vary with everyone. Some get them days before their period while others get them the day of their period.

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Q: How many days before my period should you get cramps?
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Can i get pregnant 2 days before period?

can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts

Sex 2 days before period?

You can get pregnant if you have sex 2 days before your period. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. It all depends on when you ovulate (release an egg). If you ovualte 2 days before your period then you are most likely to get pregnant then.

Are cramps likely 3 days after a guy cums inside a girl?

Nope That's her period...if ur takin bout the guy, idk

Could it be implantation cramps yesterday and today if today is Apr 4 and sex was on Mar 24 27 30 and Apr 2 your cycle was on Mar 12 or is it more likely to you menstrual cramps?

Probably too late...Hi! You probably already know by now if you are pregnant. But if you are still trying here are some tips for you. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before your period starts - so you really need to know how long your normal cycle is. If you have a 28 day cycle, you will usually ovulate on day 14. With a 36 day cycle, ovulation will occur at day 22. The best time for intercourse is 24 hours before ovulation.Implantation cramps would usually occur about 10 days later - so about 3 or 4 days before your period is due. Therefore from your dates I really can't be sure. If you usually have a short cycle (24 days) it is most probably menstrual cramps. For a 28 day cycle, you could be on track for pregnancy!I hope all is well for you and good luck!

A guy cumed in you 2 days before your period but you have already gotten it Are you pregnant?

no you will not get pregnant

Related questions

How long before your period do you have stomach cramps?

Two to three days.

How soon do you feel implantation cramps before period is due?

I started feeling them two days before my expected period day.

How do you know when you are about to have your first period?

A couple days before you may get backpaine,cramps,bloating,or a headache.

Is it possible to have period cramps and no period and be pregnant if you are 2 days late for your period and have mild cramps?

Two days late is nothing and I doubt that you are pregnant. What you describe is PMS and the cramps often come before a period as well as during a period. Stay off of sugars, caffeine, and take B6 to help yourself. When the cramps start using a heating pad to help yourself. When you are a month late for a period take a test.

What if you miss your period but have period like cramps?

Make sure you are not pregnant, especially if you are having any nausea or breast tenderness. You should probably check with your doctor.

I usually experience lower back pain and cramps 2 days before my period but now it's 12 days before my period but I am experiencing cramps and back pain could this be a sign that I am pregnant?

yes that is my first time ive ben pregnet 3 times on my 4th and i have very bad cramps and the belly and back about a week or more before my missed period it is a good sign that its implanted

Why am I cramping but my period hasn't begun I normally only cramp on the first day of my period what is up?

I sometimes get really bad cramps two days before my period. It has happen to me a few times. Don't stress it should come. Give it a couple of days

What if your cramping bad about 12 days before you should start your period?

Chances are you are having ovulation cramps. Some women report monthly of these cramps. However if your last period was abnormal I would suggest taking a pregnancy test to rule out anything more serious.

Why are you feeling cramps for 4 days straight but not starting your period Are you pregnant?

I had period like cramps with no bleeding from Tuesday before my period was due ( was due Saturday) Friday I did a pregnancy test and was positive so yes you could be.

What does it mean when your 4 days late on your period and you have cramps as if you do have it and started getting those cramps the day you were supposed to get it what should i do?

This is my question but this is my new username please help

What type of cramps are you having when you just got off your period at least 3 days ago?

Normal period cramps

Is it normal to get cramps 9 days before your period starts?

Yes it is normal to cramp 2 days before. I cramp 2 days before mine. So yes it is normal.