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Q: Does a woman Menstruate whiles Pregnant?
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Is it possible for a woman to see her period and still pregnant?

No, clearly it's not possible for a woman to menstruate while pregnant.Menstruation is the process of the uterus lining shedding as a result of a woman not falling pregnant. A woman can bleed during pregnancy but she will not menstruate.

Can A women pregnant if menstruation stop?

No, it's biologically impossible for a woman to menstruate while she is pregnant - a woman will only menstruate if she doesn't get pregnant during the last cycle. A woman can bleed during pregnancy for various reasons but this is fairly rare, chances are if you're menstruating you're not pregnant.

How often does a healthy woman menstruate?

Typically, a woman of childbearing age should menstruate every 28 days or so unless she is pregnant or moving into menopause.

Why do pregnant women not menstruate?

Menstruation is body getting rid of the egg. If the egg is fertilized, the woman is pregnant, the body will not get rid of it.

Does menstruation start after conceive?

Conceive refers to an egg being fertilized, which then goes on to implant which means that a woman is pregnant. If a woman is pregnant then she will not menstruate, menstruation only occurs if conception doesn't occur.

When youre pregnant and your period come on and the blood be bubbly means?

If you were pregnant then you wouldn't menstruate at all. Menstruation only occurs if there is no pregnancy, if you menstruate you're not pregnant.

Can you be pregnant five days into your period?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate if you were pregnant.

Can someone who menstruate for 3days get pregnant?


What does it mean if a woman menstruate on the 8th of march and started again on the 25th of march?

It may mean you are pregnant, have a hormonal imbalance or are experiencing irregular periods.

Can a girl have her period if she thinks she is pregnant?

If a girl thinks she is pregnant that doesn't mean that she is pregnant. A woman cannot menstruate while she is pregnant, thus if she menstruates she obviously isn't pregnant even if she thinks otherwise - although women can bleed during pregnancy this is uncommon, and not menstruation.

How long after your period you can know that you are preganat?

If you menstruate then you're not pregnant - it is possible to bleed while pregnant, but it is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. The very earliest you can tell when you're pregnant or not is 3 weeks after you had sex, via pregnancy test.

How many days after implantation would a woman start menses?

Implantation is when a fertilised egg implants itself into the uterus lining - it means you are pregnant, and thus you would not menstruate.