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I think so, but to be honest, I'm only 90% sure. If it's really important, go to It should say their dress code. Or, if you want to work there, just don't wear the nose ring. I mean seriously, this isn't rocket science.

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Q: Does Walmart allow employees to have nose piercings?
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Related questions

Do nose piercings attract attention to your nose?

A nose piercing can make your nose stand out.

Can you have nose piercings in the NAVY?

No not at all.

What are the correct names of nose piercings?

there are 3 different types of nose piercings. a nostril piercing, septum piercing (through the septum of your nose), and bridge piercing (placed on the upper bridge of your nose)

How many piercings does Johnny Christ have?

Johnny Christ has 2 piercings. His ears and his nose.

Are tongue piercings legal at school?

Schools can't make piercings "illegal," but each school has different rules; for example, some schools allow nose piercings, but studs, not hoops. Most schools, however, don't care or won't even see that you have a tongue ring.

Does Sears allow their employees to have facial piercings?

Depends how laid back your manager is.ive seen people with them and it was not a problem.I've been working at Sears for a little over two years now. I was hired in with my nose pierced, and none of the managers ever told me to take it out. In fact, four other girls at my work have facial piercings and work on the floor. LOL a few have visible tattoos as well.

Are nose piercings emo?

No that is defiantly not emo! ;)

Is there a religion that uses nose piercings?

Yes, in some cultures, nose piercings can be a symbol of spirituality or religious significance. For example, in Hinduism, nose piercings are believed to enhance a woman's beauty and signify marriage. In certain tribal societies, nose piercings can also have spiritual meanings or be part of religious rituals.

Do nose piercings look nice on a small nose?

yes they do, well to me they do (: <3

What different types of nose piercings are available?

There are six types of nose piercings available. The most basic is the nostril (also called the "ala") piercing, but there is also the septum (also called the "bull nose"), bridge, nasallang, high nostril and vertical nose tip (also called a "rhino") piercings.

Do nose piercings look weird if theres a freckle on the nose?

No they look just fine.

Why Indian ladies have piercing on their nose?

Because in India its traditional for the ladies to have nose piercings